Good morning everyone. I am called "Dekester" and I am totally new to gaming. I came across AL about two months ago, and now I am addicted!!! I have many questions and I don't really know where is the right place to start, so I figured that here, in the rogue forum, would be a good place.

I am playing a rogue I have named "Dinella". That seemed to me to be a cool name for a roguish, female fantasy hero. I am currently a lvl 20 which I figure is earned by the amount of kills. I would like to fix "Dinella" up with the best free equipment (weapons, helmet, armor etc.) there is to make her a lean, mean, fighting machine. But, I don't know how. Will you kind folks help me?

There is so much gear (weapons, helmets, etc) to choose from and I don't know which ones, in the right combinations, to use in order to make her "top of the line" for her current lvl and future ones. Every time I open chests I receive amulets, rings, armor and stuff that I know nothing about. I am currently using a "green beats red" theory when I keep or sell gear. The green numbers in the stats being good assets for "Dinella" to have and the red numbers being not helpful to her at this lvl. This is where I get confused because the greens and reds always seem to contradict each other each time I try to decide which piece of gear to equip her with. I feel sorry for the poor girl, she always seems to be outmatched by fellow rogues who fly through the battles with flaming swords and a seemingly endless supply of manna. I would sure like to give her a chance.

Is there a general rule of thumb for determining the right stuff to arm her with as we progress through the levels? I guess that is my question, and I hope that I have explained myself well enough for you wise and experienced veterans of AL to be able to point me in the right direction so I can make my and "Dinella's" time with AL a fun and enjoyable adventure.

As I am new to gaming, I am not familiar with "game terminology" (nerf and buff for example) could you make your answers as easy for me to follow as possible? So far I have been entirely PvE. I had absolutely no idea what to do in PvP so I will wait to attack that as I get more experience, and more comfortable with AL.

Thanks in advance for any help you might provide.

Dekester and "Dinella"