Well just opened another 60, for those of you that know that's now a total of 531 grand lock crates ive opened.... not 1 mythic, not 1 arcane, nor 1 mccraw, not anything but garbage..I have another 51 to open. ...sts, . these will be my last unless I actually get something. ..my 2.5k I've spent on this game will cease no more :/ guess we will see how badly you want to keep this big spender. I'll still enjoy the game plat free .I know you guys pay salaries, and need money for content. Guess you'll miss out on another 2.5 k I would have spent in the next few months. ...isnt some ultimatum, just stating facts that im stopping, after the crates that are currently in my inv, are opened unless i see some sort of fruit of my labor. .....good day