So as many of you end gamers know, I have been annoyingly hash tagging every other word. Lol sorry to annoy you the intentions are meant otherwise!
I have taken the liberty to try to start hash tagging as a new "fad" for say on Pocket Legends.
As hash tagging is on every social media site there is. I feel it adds a bit of irony and hilarity to any situation!
So I started hash tagging during ctf matches. Its actually kinda fun!
At the end of every game I have quick chat #goodgame
Beginning of every game i have #go
When some kill streaks or does and amazing flag capture, I have #pro
I feel it is a fun and new way to recognize people! If anyone has any other ideas or such, Post your thoughts below!
Please keep it clean! This thread is to add some excitement into our playing time on pocket legends!!!!
And really please share your ideas!!! No idea is bad!! Everything can be turned into something of a greater good!!!