Nice guide Whisperwalk, however you also forgot in your guide that Str/Dex is especially powerful if you have been experienced as a tank.

With Str/dex, your rhino will have no problem with hitting, and would benefit the party as well, since INT only affects Heal and Holy Tempest, and grants less hit instead of survivability, I made the transition onto Str/Dex.

Amazingly, playing as a Str/Dex rhino in PvP works well against birds and mages, though it kind of fails against bears. Pure birds are literally food for me thanks to my Savage set, and Mages has a hard time landing their debuffs once I use Guardian in the middle of the fight. Though, it kind of sucks against FFA, even though I could dash away at times to avoid a potential gank.

Now considering Str/Int Heal VS Str/Dex Heal, by using my Savage set and comparing;

Str/Int is 220-235.
Str/Dex is 165-180.

Thus I would suggest you save the "spam Heal" job directly to the Mages, since Adding Int does not make much of a difference when it comes to Endgame.

Now to all new rhinos, think about it, you are a hybrid class built for survival, so if someone claims that the rhino is a support class, do you really have to follow? Unless of course, if you are new to the game or too poor to buy a Savage Set, I suggest we treat the Rhino as a tank because most of his skills are based on Str, and only 2 skills are based on Int. Dex not only allows you to hit well, but grants better dodge and critical compared to Int.