Hi guys Greencrow here, an AL player.

I tried PL before,a lvl 2 archer eagle (lol im soo noob) but unfortunately I uninstalled it (I forgot the reason) and then continue my AL life until now.

I have lots of questions to ask, maybe you can help me coz I wanna try PL again (AL seems lying low to me, I need other games )

-I just want to ask elite players if I can be an elite too? How many months can I cap?
-Is it the same with AL? (the gameplay?)
-What is the lvl cap now?
-Is the economy good?
-Is the game, plat dependable for a newbie player like me or I can go with the game with no plats?
-Are there bosses that can 1 hit a player with best gears? ( I hate them )
-Why is it called "towne" and not "Town" ? lol
-Best class for me to begin with? (Im a war in AL)
-Are there crates too?

thanks guys ~

-maybe I could ask more questions if someone would reply.
