Quote Originally Posted by Wendellism View Post
I am aware that it's still his fault, but the purpose of this thread is to at least help him to recover his account, let everyone know that this isn't DarkxCronos anymore, and last but not least, to at least give him a second chance.

Sure, everyone can say that it's his fault and so on and so forth, but, taking the "Father-Son" scenario, would you rather punish your son via a spiked mace, or would you punish your son by using the painful, yet harmless stick? I believe it's up to you to decide should you guys want to be a little less jerky to this fellow and consider at the very least to give him a second chance.
I expect my children, all 4 of them, to accept the consequences for their actions. The consequence for your friend breaking the rules was losing his account, which may possibly be banned anyway. Why else have rules? (Or in this case, ToS)

And fyi, in the Middle East, they take a hand when you steal. Pretty sure there is no "softer" punishment.