Hi all,

I am a Rogue currently at level 17. Question about stats distribution in PvE; I see a lot of Rogues here and in-game that have very high DEX, and just generally advising to go max DEX. I've seen Rogues at my level with up to 200 DEX, making their HP and mana pool kind of low, but making up for dodge and damage. I think at around 200 DEX that gives about 17-20% dodge. My current stats are 56 STR, 97 DEX and 87 INT. So my dodge is only about 10%, but 1447 HP.

What would you say is a good balance? I just starting doing Dead City and some bosses in there are tough, the DOTs they put on you can kill me in 2-3 ticks if I don't eat a med pack in time. So I must imagine Rogues with lower HP pool have it even tougher.

Any Rogues care to share their experiences?
