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DO NOT cheat or scam.
- DO NOT beg or borrow any gold or item.
- DO NOT re-sell any item donated by guild mates.

Buying or selling accounts will result in immediate removal from guild

- Be active and helpful in guild.
- Put our guild name <E V I L> as title.
- Create a STS forum account.
- Pay attention to every update of this guild post.

- Price should be lower than consignment shop.
- Price has to be stated clearly.
- DO NOT spam in chat box. (one announcement every 15 minutes)


- DO NOT gangbang on a single guildmate in PVP.

*** Guildmate who has violated the above rules may be removed from the guild. ***
*** (Any removal has to be approved by GM, Co Masters or Chief Officers) ***

Recruiting Requirements (updated on June 16th 2013)
General Requirements
- Warriors: (Level 15 or above) & (DPS 150 or above and / or DMG 120 or above)
- Rogues: (Level 15 or above) & (DPS 250 or above and / or DMG 150 or above)
- Sorcerers: (Level 15 or above) & (DPS 250 or above and / or DMG 140 or above)
Ranks&promotion/demotion system :

- Member : to become a member you have to reach the following standards :
1-be level 20+
2- comply to the rules when you join
3- be proud and know that you are in a guild where lots of people will be in soon
4- wear our guild title !
Duty : be active , try to reach the next rank , be polite and respectful,comply with the rules

NOTE : Leaderbord twinks can join but they wont get any advantage for the promotions they
will work hard to get it , so do all our guild members

-Recruiter : to become a recruiter you have to achieve the following standards :
1- prove yourself : show me that you are worthy to reach this honourable rank
2- be in the guild for at least 8 days .
3- wear decent gear : I mean decent not the best decent is enough
4- we promote up 2 recruiters each week ( depending on our weekly meeting )

Note : you can only apply to become a recruiter, if you was not promoted after 10 days of joining the guild
apply here ! ( leave your in-game name and your level but only after 10 days of joining our guild )

Duty : not doing your job is a cause of demotion , and believe me you will have to work hard to get this rank
1- recruit at least 1 member\day , this guild complies to " it's about the quality not the quantity "
2- inform your every member that you recruit about our culture .
3- listen to the ranks that are higher than you .
4- tell any higher rank than you each time you recruit ( pm )
5- keep reminding new members to read our guild thread or to register at our
6- be aware of our "not welcome list"
7- comply with the rules

Officer(hard rank to reach )

How to be an officer ?
at each weekend there will be a meeting each officer will vote for a recruiter

After 4 weeks the most recruiter that the officer gave their votes for may be promoted .
Here is some hints and standards that will help you to be an officer :

1- be nice, polite , respectful and beat people with your kindness
2- prove yourself more than 1 time , to reach this great rank you will have to prove yourself !
3- be a recruiter already and recruit suitable players .
4- be in the guild at least for 30 days

Duty : not doing your job is a cause of demotion , and this rank is really hard to get
1- handle all the situation and report the incident to me at the weekend meeting if it wasn’t
Importantly , if it was reported as soon as I'm online
2- think twice before kicking any member and warn twice before kicking then ask one of the chief officers or the master or the co-master ,inform me about all the kick cases as soon as I come online if I was offline .
3- review the performance of the recruiter(s) and report to me at the weekend meeting
4- come online daily .
5- don’t question the higher ranks decisions
6- keep reminding new members to read our guild thread

Chief officer ( very hard to reach ) : this rank is only chosen by the masters and co-master decision

Hints and& standards :
1- have the soul of leadership
2- be nice, polite , respectful and beat people with your kindness and popular
3- reach level cap
4- be a great officer and apply all the officer duties and hints
5- forgive when you can
6- you will swear in front of the whole ranks to apply our guild rules ,standards,and to never betray us and it will be archived with screenshots if you were chosen to be promoted

Duty :
1- handle the situations professionally
2- report all incidents to me at the weekend meeting if it wasn’t Important , if it was reportas soon as I'm online
3- keep an eye on the officers' performance
4- Be active and come online daily
5- don’t question the higher ranks decisions
6- keep reminding new members to read our guild thread

Note: there could be only 2 chief officers at the same time, and one will be promoted after one of the chief officers gets promoted