I feel as if it is necessary, among all the complaining, to remind people of a few good things.

We all play PL, right? We all agree that PL is one if , if not THE, best mobile M.M.O. , ( i.e. awards ) right? Well then, I feel like we should use this thread to personally THANK sts for what they've given is so far, and what they WILL give ue in the future.

My personal thanks/ode:

Thank you Space Time Studios:
For such a fun game,
That unlike many others, isn't the slightest bit lame,
And for being steadfast, and concise,
And wholeheartedly nice.
For caring enough to provide not one, not three, not four, but FIVE different, and unique gaming expieriences for all to enjoy.
Thank you for providing an escape,
From the mundane, and lame,
That's better than anything that most teens do when they're bored.

Thank you for spurring an amazing, supportive community, and remaining active in it, however daunting the numbers.

Thank you for being AWESOME, and keep up the good work!!