Spoke to many players from different guilds, EOS seems to have max lvl 30+ players and a very active and impressive roster in elites as well as PvP. It also has quite a lot of LB players. Some other guilds which I came across are pro but small n tight. I am going thru dead guild chats in my current guild and i feel i am a solo player. I need something active but not too much of guild chat, its kinda distracting. Deviant Misfits has majority of players from my friends list, who I interact and play with on a regular basis. Most of the LB runs are hogged by DM members, some of which include my names alongside theirs. Has neither too big nor too small roster, kinda fits my requirements and taste. So after taking all things into consideration, I have decided to go for Deviant Misfits.

Thanks everyone those who spoke to me! Made some new friends in this guild choosing process.

Also, EOS you are a very impressive guild