Hey all maalice here...

I know I'm not the most popular guy around but I'd like to think I'm at least sorta known. I'm a low level merch and u may know me for such threads as maalices shop of cool stuff. I've made my way in this game through merching and making a lot of friends. I've always been honest amd helpful. Well today I made an honest mistake...

I was trading a member of eos for a tree hat. I had been haggling him for awhile for a price that we were both happy with. So we finally link up and open trade window... mind u my 4 month old is in my arms and I am feeding him... so I honest to goGod made the mistake of not adding a zero... as I'm looking over the trade window I notice this and attempt to correct my mistake. As soon as I hit aadd gold trade window closes and now I am a bonified scammer... shouts all around paradise can b heard of how I am a scammer... I try to resolve this through pms and to reopen trade to put the corrext ammount of gold. No trade window is ever openned. Just want to let u all know I am not a scammer ... this was honestly a mistake and I made several attempts to rectify this.

Sorry to the guy this happened to even though u flamed the $!!! Out of me in tells and pms. I understand ur xaution... but I was honestly trying to fix this.

Thanks guys for ur time reading this and I hope my past actions allow u to believe in what I'm saying... thank u
