Hi everyone - so...

The other day I conducted a few experiments with the <Elite Runners> and the outcome seemed to be reproducible results that will hopefully help the devs address this bug. Additionally – for those who want to hunt Bael / Krunch, it will hopefully provide some insight into how to solo hunt them and still be able to invite your friends once you do (if you do) find them.

The /partyinvite 000 command is more than likely a dev command that’s leftover from beta testing etc, for some way for them to test map join functions etc… we use it to solo maps.

If you use that command from inside a map that’s NOT a town map, you will lock maps down and nobody will be able to join you.


If you are in town and use that command, then proceed to a map. You can then invite others to a party and have them join you.

I have confirmed this worked properly on a Bael spawn as well – although was only able to test it once as Bael is so rare. Maybe if the devs give my toon 100% spawn rate for Bael for a few hours I can do some more extensive testing HAHAH JK..

So – all that being said, I hope this helps you guys pinpoint the root cause of this bug and get a correction in place. In the meantime – if some other players could test this and help to determine any additional valuable information for the devs, please add it here.