Hello everyone,

This thread is about an idea of mine, its making worlds first PL movie!
I think it's extremely fun to do, so now i'll share my idea with everyone, I want to make a video about a story that I have wrote a few months ago, this will be recorded through the whole game ( in town, pvp and pve maps ).

However i can't do this alone, I need people who want to join in to make this movie, also advices are really appreciated.
Therefore I still have to get the programmes that will make this possible.

This movie will have 10 episodes, each episode has to be atleast 5 minutes durage, so 10x5 = 50minutes. (NOTE: the main and finale chapter might last longer than the normal episodes.)

So for those who are interested, Read episode 1 below here, and please comment what you think of this. One last thing, i'm concidering using voices to make it more epic, also those who help acting/making the movie will also share the credits, IGN's will be used. Enjoy reading episode 1.

Chapter 1 - The Punishment

The story starts at a point where two persons are fighting ( one of em is good and the other is evil ). This battle could possibly mean everything for the future of Alterra.
After this short fight, the evil character escapes from the battle, this battle was only ment to make sure the hidden minions of the evil character could take aim of the good character, and following him sneaky.

When the good character returns to his base, he will have a short chat with his sons ( LOL how is this possible in alterra?O.o). after this he will leave his base, hunting for some stuff ( maybe PINKS?).
However, the minions have followed him, and therefore investigated where his base is at.
Sadly his sons are defenceless at this point, this means they will have to come with the minions who have invaded their base, when the good character returns, he notices his sons are gone.
He realizes they havn't gone leaving by themselves.
At this point the good character is in a hurry, heading to the place where he fought the evil character.
When he arrivés he sees the minions, working together with his enemy to keep his sons hostiled.
His sons are bait to lure him, alone against multiple enemy's. Now his enemy calls 4 minions of him to kill the good character ( whutt teamers?!?! ). However the minions completely failed to kill the good character, and they all die. But suddenly a strange minion shows up from nowhere, charging up to the good person, leaving him hurt very badly. The enemy is watching carefully and releases the sons of the good person, when they see their father is about to die, the enemy and his minion are leaving. At this point there will be a sad goodbye (NUUUUhhh Whyyy :'(. ). The good character has given his oldest son an aura, this aura has to be activated to prevent something ( y'all know laterrr D; ). At the same time, their enemy has opened a portal that leads to the past, the two brothers have no choice, they have to chase him to prevent him from destroying Alterra

They are the last hope for the excistance of Alterra..


So yeah this is kinda the main chapter, feel free to comment and ask questions.

Peace Out! :-D