Hi new player here,

I'd like to start by thanking the Devs for posting this topic, and checking it and following player feedback. Too often things in MMOs change without adequate player consideration.

Now down to business. I am fairly new to the game (lvl 17). I started as a Bear, and I was splitting Dex/Str basically because I didn't know what I was doing and half the weapons I got required Str the other half Dex. This is problematic for new players and should be addressed.

Eventually I figured I should max one stat and proceeded to buy Platinum tog et a respec for my character. Low and behold, the next day we get a free respec. I am not angry about spending the money, because I rather enjoy the game, but some mind not be as kind. And aside from these occasional respecs which I had no idea would ever be offer, new players should receive a respec because THEY WILL mess up their character. That's just the nature of things. And such a respec should not be offered right away, because then they will mess it up twice instead of once. A respec at lvl 15 or 20 would be swell.

Now about combat changes. After I respeced full STR, I bought lvl 10 hammer with plat, and I had super time bashing the hell out of mobs! I bashed for hours! I loved the damage I was doing when compared to my old golden dagger and shield setup. I could finally deal damage and I didn't feel like a leecher in the dungeons.

Now with this change the slow 2 handers become REALLY slow. And the damage they do now is really low. With my respec I put all my ability points into few skills, leaving 0 in a lot of them. With the shift to ability damage, this has really screwed me! I suppose it is now better to spread your skill points among as many abilities as possible, and just mash em while they are up!

But this will result in another point of contention: MY BEAR IS FOREVER RUNNING OUT OF MANA! I had 2 Mana/Sec regen, and this was fine before update. It made it so I could Bash nonstop, and have my crit buff up, along with using one stun skill. I never go out of mana. Now I am forever out of mana! This is really not fun. Mana for bears need to be readjusted. Either lower mana cost, or give us better mana regen on this early levels. Or please convert some abilities into passives that require no mana or activation (gives new players less things to worry about activating) and add a buff that lasts as long as its cooldown. I mean the crit buff now is so low you might as well make it last nonstop.

All that happened with the update is that I take more damage, and deal so little damage that I simply have to have a full group to do anything (usually we all spam AOE), or I drink potions till I have none, and proceed to die. Leveling feels like hell

I feel that 1) Bears should have option to deal damage, not just tank. 2) Every race should have more than one build that either relies on autoattack or abilities to deal damage. 3) I would welcome there be incentives to put some points into non-primary attributes to get your regen levels up. 4) Attacks need to be faster, cause it makes the game more fun to play!