I have been playing Arcane Legends for around a year now. Maybe a little less. And in that time I have watched the game sink below a fun to play game, to a contest to who can scam who or sell more items. The game economy is controlled by 10% of the players who can afford to spend real world money to open crates and fill the Auction House full of those items at the prices the want to see them sold at. Case in point is the new Mythic items that came out on 9/20/13. 12+ Million gold? MILLION? This is turning into a game that has two classes, those with, and those without. A simple item that should sell for around 300k is bought out of auction by the 10% and marked up 800% or more. So lets do a little Math shall we? Look at the random drop amount of gold, 1g to around 32g. For quests the most is 3k for the elite boss kills. So lets say that I do 18 daily quests, ranging a total of around 8.5k a day for those quests. Now lets say, I have three toons to do that on. At most you're talking about 25.5k a day doing those same daily quests. Now lets see how long it would take to get to 1m gold. 39.5 days. That is to reach 1m without buying anything. Potions, armor, pets, ect.

Not all of us have been playing this game since it started. Not all of us can take our rent money and spend it on in game items or to open crates. Not all of us can compete with people who have 100m+ gold in a game where they can buy ALL OF THE ITEMS and repost them for a 62% average profit. I have seen so many people give up, and stop playing because you cannot compete with the things that are happening. And also, are scared to speak up for fear of the 10% that control it, defend themselves to a point that has no valid argument. This game is for all players. If that isn't the way Spacetime Studios wants it, then you can keep your 10% elite money makers. But to allow those few people to control the economy in the game 100% is something that cannot happen. But since it already has, you see your player numbers drop. The 10% doesn't care if you have a lot of players. They care how much gold they can make. You don't figure how much money you lose letting the 10% control your in game economy. You can either have the 10% put money towards your company, or you can have the rest of them. Because when you start to lose money, or figure you aren't making enough, you'll stop updating the game for another way to produce a revenue stream. And all in all, it will be solely, 100% because you let your game be controlled by the 10%. I am one of those players that cannot stand to log in anymore. I cannot stand how the game is a digital Wall Street and not a game anymore. So, post your 'n00b' comments and tell me how I'm wrong when this is the fate of 42% of all games that have an in game economy that isn't kept in check.

The very point of this, is when you can spend 2400+ plat to open crates and get nothing. Nothing but garbage. If you don't want the items flooded in the market, I understand, but then you still risk the above thing to happen. I'm not wrong. I'm just one of the few that has the guts to put it up here.