Quote Originally Posted by Energizeric View Post
I agree with all that has been said here. I was hoping for a crafting system like in PL. I agree that plat should be somewhat helpful, but it should not allow you to buy the entire thing. All that you are doing by making it that way is adding something tedious to the game -- now to compete you will be forced to upgrade all your weapons as everyone will have upgraded weapons.

This game seems to becoming less fun and more tedious as time goes on. What makes a game like this fun is to be able to strive to get something that very few others have. Players will play hours and days on end trying to achieve stuff like that. But when you add tasks into the game that are time consuming but easy to accomplish, all you do is make us get bored while doing this task that we must do because everyone else is doing it.

It seems to me that within a week everyone will have their weapons upgraded with 2 or 3 gems, and plat spenders will have loaded up the consignment shop with gems for sale. That hardly makes this interesting. What would be interesting is if these crafting items were very rare, and very few players upgraded their weapons. Then when you finally found enough essences to craft a gem, you would be holding a rather pricey item that you could either use or sell. Kind of like glyph steels in PL. How boring would PL have been if you could buy glyph steels for plat.

But fine, if you are going to sell essences/gems for plat, at least make them very expensive, a few hundred plat each. That way at least the price of these items keeps it interesting. Otherwise it just adds something tedious to the game without adding anything fun.

IMO a fully upgraded item should be worth considerably more than the base item. Kind of like in PL how a crafted demonic item is worth about 10 times its uncrafted glyph counterpart. On the other hand, if the gems are so common that the upgraded weapon is only worth a 10% premium, then that will make this entire system rather boring and uninteresting.
i strongly support/ agree with your thoughts and i bet many players will have the feeling the same way as u thought