Someone tried to give me a code for lots plat and gold. Was very dubious, we went to a secure location, he then got me to unequip everything, then told me to give all my gear to him. At this point I stopped. He said he was a coder for the game and had been given 300 codes by AL to distribute to players to make the game more enjoyable. I asked why his name wasn't in red, he said he didn't like that. He then said he wanted to give me the vanity sets like he was wearing. I said why, if he gave me plat and gold I could buy myself? That was it, I went elsewhere.

Now if I have blown something AL were doing (he stressed I not say anything) I am really sorry. But it didn't feel right.

Whilst I'm here, where is the Lower Hauntlet? I have no other options in my Quest list. Seems to be a bit of a mystery or injoke?