Quote Originally Posted by Morholt View Post
No. They may be similar, but they aren't the same unique names. Certain names/words have a greater impact. Lord =/= God. Lord has MANY definitions that people would assume before God, even if the reader is a Christian (as many other religions don't use those names synonymously).

Pretend sts was having a fundraiser of some sort, and the names Goku and Kakorat were freed up and to be bid upon. More than likely, they would not sell for the same amounts (unless some super rich baller could outbid the max money of the second richest player for each name).

It isn't just about the name itself. It is a class thing, a status symbol. Do you own a watch? A nice one? Lots of people do...and they have no real use! Just about anyone with a watch can look at their phone for the time...or a clock nearby. There are very few cases where a watch is needed. There are none where an expensive watch is truly needed, other than being a status symbol.

"See my watch? It is packed with so many gems on it that it can't even tell the time because the hands get stuck on the stones!"

Stop complaining about pixels and names. Worry more about people spending $1,000,000 on a watch instead of using that money to help a charity and such.
^^App-solutely correctumundo.
Check this out: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/vip-...321971059?mt=8
People have the right to spend a million bucks on an app as a status symbol. So why can't they do that on a name? I personally feel people can do whatever they want, if they wanna blow cash on names, sure, why not?