Since every AP (except the pvp, flags and arcane ap ) is easy to get, the only thing u have to do is camping for weeks or months in PvP the only way to get on the lb (Besides record runs)
U don't need skills for flags, or farming kills, or camping for months in camp boulder with an awesome keybot who gives u a lot kills without doing something. There should be more ap where u need skills for.

Also new PvE aps!! I mean.. 10k pve kills isnt very hard.. :S

PvE Aps:
50k kills- 250k- 500k- (No 1m, or to many grinders)

New Elite/bosses Ap:
-Complete all elite maps of a certain region solo
-Complete all elite maps of a certain region at least one time without dying, without respawns and elixirs
-Complete ALL bosses without wearing a helm
-Complete ALL bosses without wearing a helm when solo

New pet AP
-Have one pet on his maximum level
-Have 10 pets on their maximum level- Reward Samael egg

Some new PvP AP (Wins)
-Win 1 match of CTF
-Win 100 matches of CTF
-Win 250 matches of CTF
-Win 1 match of TDM
-Win 50 matches of TDM
-Win 100 matches of TDM

-Kill enemy's flagger 1 time in a single game
-Kill enemy's flagger 3 times in a single game
-Kill enemy's flagger 10 times in a single game (ofcourse kill farmers will get those ap's easy, but its a challenge for the others, it also makes flagging harder)