Quote Originally Posted by Arterra View Post
1. Do all enemies get harder each bloodline, or just the king?
-each time you defeat the king, they level up so to speak. basically more hp and damage, different elemental damage, and maybe speed. they also start inventing new kinds of combos, so be extra carefull
2. What is first priority for stats: health, attack, armor, or magic? also 2nd, 3rd, and 4th priority
-depends. slow and steady, 40 attack, the rest to HP. if you want to immediately kick butt, spilt attack and hp constantly, more so to attack. none to shield or magic really. items cover that.
3. What do the bonuses do? (for example, itemdrop, goldrop, health gain)
-exactly what they say. gold=more gold item=better item chance xp=more xp gained
4. Can I have more than one bonus at a time?
-attack, dont think so. but for resisting elemental damage, check your shield. some have multiple ones.
5. What spells are best (besides heal)
-heal and shield. shield recharges usages in battle in case your running out (only really useful every so often... better heal lol) as for offensive, ice to fire people, fire to ice people, and to normal people either. i rarely use shock or venom. meh.

thanks bro.
k just two more things...

1. what bonuses are best?
2. i dont really know what you mean by the answer to question 4...