Ok, I know several people have mentioned something like this, but I just wanted to throw out my own version of it. I'll try to keep it simple.

Now that almost all campaigns have towns (all that's left is AO1-3), I think we need something to keep people going back to the towns once they finish all the quests. I mean, the new Lake Louis is so big, I get lost -- but why would I go back there once the quests are done? People go back to specific maps to farm bosses, but they dont really go back to the towns.

So my suggestion is, once all quests in a town are completed, there should be at least one daily quest in that town. The quest could have several parts to it, but the person should knows what prize they're getting when they start. It should always be purples and pinks. But the catch is, if you decline a quest one day, or abandon it, you don't ge another one for another week. However, if you complete the daily quests every day for a certain number of days (maybe 15? 20? 30?), you get really great loot. But if you skip one quest, the counter starts over from 0. Perhaps the more daily quests you do, the better the loot (ie. at 50 you get something nice, at 100 you get something even nicer.
And there could be a counter next to the regular quests so you can see how many you've done in a row.

I know this would be more for the hardcore players, and I don't know that I would even do it every day. But I think it would be a cool option, to get people to revisit these towns.

Any thoughts?