Just thought i would add this thread since redryder posted bout guilds being added in 1.7.. my question is does anyone here think that a Raid map or level would be a good idea for upcoming maps?? I played evequest online adventures a couple years back for a while and i thought the guild / raid combination was the best way to keep things exciting after max level cap...

im not exaclty sure on how you could integrate that kind of idea other than allowing 3 or 4 groups of 5 from a guild to enter a map and a strategy to kill the boss (ex. placing healers outside of dmg zone but inside of healing range of main tank, same idea with dmg dealers). you prior mmo players probably have other ideas on how a raid in this game might work.

Im just wondering will there be a bigger picture to guilds other than just farming together?

raids or no raids? what do you think?