Quote Originally Posted by Jenvy View Post
I think an arcane ability could breathe some much-needed life into endgame pve/pvp.

Let's explore some possibilities and potential mechanics.

First, you could create a new skill slot right above pet's arcane ability, which only becomes available after L36. This slot would only be filled by arcane/power-up/morph/awakening/whatever abilities.

Maybe 3 arcane abilities to choose from? I think that's a good number.

You could create a limit as to how many points one can drop into these 3 new skills. 5 is balanced. It would allow a decent level of customization too (all 5 in 1 ability, or split between 2-3 abilities for a jack-of-all-trades setup).

You'd have to make sure that the arcane ability has a long cooldown (like 40-60 seconds), and you'd definitely want to have an internal debuff to prevent arcane skill swapping for multiple buffs at once. Sort of like the new Scorch shield debuff thing you lot came up with (which works great by the way).

Also, don't make the abilities consume mana. That's essential.

Here are some preliminary ideas for each class, (not really keeping balance or game-breakingness in mind, just thinking of cool stuff). These would be base abilities and subject to interesting upgrades.


Deluge - A torrent of raging water crashes through a wide AoE zone for a tremendous amount of damage.

Wellspring - At the cost of a mage's ability to attack, restores large amounts of health over time to all allies in a wide AoE zone.

Smurf-Hammer (lol jk) - Triples the damage of the mage's next 3 attacks.


Shadow-step - Slink into the shadows, becoming immune to damage for a short period (maybe 5 seconds). Restores 10% mana and health every second. Effect breaks if Rogue uses a skill/attacks.

Strangulate - Appear behind the nearest enemy and strangle them. Does a large amount of damage over time. Neither rogue nor target can attack/move during this period (kind of like a sacrificial stun... maybe for 4 seconds?).

Flying Daggers - Every second, the rogue throws a spray of poisoned daggers, hitting all enemies in a forward cone (5 seconds maybe). Each hit applies a strong, stacking poison.


Berserk - At the loss of 50% max health, a warrior's damage is doubled and all attacks stun (maybe 5 seconds).

Fear - Causes up to 3 targets to panic (maybe 4 second duration).

Graviton - Pull all enemies in a 5 meter range toward you. Applies a buff that allows all attacks to taunt (10 second duration maybe).

berserk is double damage and HP but -50% defense / armor
instead of fear try use provoke - taunt enemy and force attack the users / also -50 armor to the enemy that under the provoke.