im so confused. Im lvl 24, got good dmg and good health... yet i swear they have made the bosses too hard and annoying and tried to much to add extra things to each boss. It took us so long, selling items, buying gear worth at least 40,000 to 60,000 gold but nothing works! its like they have only built the game around twinks who spend loads of money. I should be able to kill the boss on lvl 24 in nordr as long as i am lvl 24. We have played other games in pve end game content, we know what we are doing so we are not ****.. but yet the bosses (that require you to be lvl 24) and we are lvl 24.. still can't be done. Not to mention, it doesn't help that you have to fight the boss within an 8 meter radius before he resets!. rant over!

Anyone else have this problem?