Our Goals:
We strive to be compeitive in both pvp and pve play. We understand the importance for a mix of PvP, PvE and market traders to be successful, so no matter what ur interest, we have a place for you!!

Guild Description And Needs:
Murk is primarily building our military, consisting of elite players, We hope recruit only the most promising and hardcore players, we need very active, well geared players that live for battle. By focusing mostly on the hardest and most dangerous activities in the game, Murk requires high level of commitment and dedication.

What We Offer:
We are proud to say we have one of the closest, tight nit communities in the game, which has produced an amazing and fierce loyalty to each other and the guild as a whole. We pride ourselves in helping members as much as we can. This unique guild provides a strong member base and the ability to focus on more specific areas. Murk offers some of the most knowledgable and best trainers the game has to offer. We seek to have plenty of high level to provide more perks that benifit the members.

If your interested in joining our one of a kind family please look for our members in game or post a message below in the forum.

Guild Master Of Murk