So I join a pug in swamps, and as soon as i walk in I see this crazy bird go running through the swamp aggroing everything in sight... i mean, pulls that would generally wipe your group in LE... and with a sigh, i got ready to have to respawn at the entrance or find a new room.

... and then we killed them all. what followed was probably the best group i have played with thus far in this game, and it went to prove just what a good group could do. we never wiped, even though we would sometimes pull more than one boss at a time, along with all their cronies. During the entire swamps campaign, my character died maybe once... and there was an 'accept revive' icon on my screen before i hit the ground. the healers were healing, while still throwing out AE damage. the archer was not only throwing out DPS, but he would continue to draw off groups and then kite them through the enchantresses AEs. the warriors would draw aggro, while at the same time stomping stacks off of the enchantresses. in short, everyone did their job, and well.

so, i had to come on here and give some serious props to one of the best groups i have played with thus far. well done.

(and i am sorry, but I cannot remember the warriors name...)