Hi boys/girls/mods/devs/..., i am TheMightyFeusalet/IGN Feusalet or Sceanateba. I start playing when the nordr expansion was announced. When i capped for the very first time(what wa at lvl 31 on my war Feu) i really had problems with how to make money in the game. So i started opening locks and wasted over 100 euros( =133,55 dollars ), i only did get one mythic rogue helm and i was really disapointed to waste so much money and to get almost nothing. In this thread i will start with my history when farmed for the first time,... Then i will some things about farm, earning by doing daily quets etc.

When the nordr expansion was 1 month old.

When the nordr expansion was 1 month old i did get a guild from a friend because he would quit the game, i really enjoiyed being guildmaster and on a day someone pmed and asked me to join him on a km3 run! I pmed him back= huh, what is km3 and he told me you could easily farm lockeds there. So i joined him and did several runs with him and his party i didnt loot any locked in more then 10 runs so i didnt believe and i never runned km3 anymore for over 2-3 months. After that happend i tried for the first time elite runs, i made a pt and went to elite brackenbridge, my first run i looted an egg and immediatly sold this. I felt it could get rich with this but i never farmed it really hard.

When someone kicked all my members out of my guild.

Later in the nordr expansion i made a new friend im the game, i asked him to join my guild an he did, he asked to give him officer tiitle an the dumb me did it after knowing him only 2 days, when i was the next online i saw i only had 18 members anymore, my guild went from 340 to 18, i was really down and i dced to give my guild to my sor that was only lvl 18(ofcourse i never used my guild again)Then i dicided to look and join an other, i did found Elite Warriors. After that i joined Elite Warriors, i learned there much, as example i learned how to build my war better and how to tank better(thanks to ibelikesmash(ever been the gm of Elite Warriors,i heard you are busy and that you aren't that much on al anymore, i hope to see you soon again)Then everything went wrong with the guild 2 of the best oficers diceded to make a guild on there own( the first one was maalice that is now gm of The lost Immortals and the other i forgot and i'll add him later)

Joining Elite Runners when the shuyal expansion was 1,5 months old
I stayed a long time after the 2 officers went away but then i decided to go to guild that really layed a focus on farming, then i found Elite Runners. I talked with queenotshade, the gm of er and i joined. I learned there how to run elite maps and to farm elite, i never dis get rich, i just did got everything i needed to run elites without dying every riun 20 times.

coming more=> how i farm now and some tips for people that had the same probelm as me