There is a lot of debate about which one is worth investing more points into: Restore or SMS. I am going to compare the skills at max L9:

With a 71 naked bear, SMS deals 132-188, so I'm going to use the median number which is 165 as my variable.

With a 71 naked bear, Restore heals 76-95 health, so I'm going to use the median number which is 85.5 (rounded up to 86) as my variable.

SMS has a stun and knockback and minuses 15% armor.

Restore has a 5 H/S for 5s, so that is 25 extra health.

SMS is a damaging skill so that dodge and armor is in account when used with SMS. Restore is a self heal, so dodge and armor is not taken into account.

Which one is better, now that you have the general statistics? That is actually based on luck. If luck was not taken into account, investing more points into SMS would be the best choice over Restore. However, with hit, dodge, and armor taken into account, it is hard to say which is better investing points over the other.

With dodge so high, there is a low chance that SMS even hits. So, with restore having a 100% heal, it is better investing in restore than SMS. Here's why:
SMS has a 4 sec cooldown. If SMS misses 4 times, then restore is much better than SMS, as Restore is 16 seconds. However, if you get lucky and hit SMS once or more in a 16s period, it is better than SMS.

So, the final verdict?

It is all preference. I prefer investing more in restore, because I like a 100% chance of heal more than a low chance of hitting for more. However, SMS can be the more worthy option if you are lucky. So, the final verdict is: restore if you don't want to risk the chance, and SMS if you do.

Keep calm and slash on!