There are more important things than spending hours, days , months... on a game (no offence just ones oppinion).

As a farewell i'd like to give away my Items. ( Heraldic, Crier Mage, Gold, Lockeds blablabla...zzzzzzz )
Just leave a comment below about why you should deserve my stuff.

May the best win.
Second and third place will win sth nice too and also a price goes to someone I will choose by random .

Deadline: Next Friday (30.5.) .

Thanks go to all the players that played along, helped and had fun with me .
Baazii, Ane, Azi, Dredj, Asa, Lav, Ink, Seven, Saku, Jx, Dry, Wet, Laok, Matan, Mark, Outlaw, Wall, Gmo, Gessa,....
Hopefully i mentioned you all and didn't forget anyone .
