@ Crow - I first read "debuff" as "dispell", so that's why my suggestions were a bit askew. But I'll keep the idea train rolling..

Quote Originally Posted by Crowsfoot View Post
the only debuff skill we have is axe, WM too if snare is counted.
CS also enfeebles, and at a very quick rate.

=Crowsfoot;1653220]-Jugg doesn't need a buff.
-RC sucks, I'd rather not preform surgery on a rotting corpse.
-I like the idea of adding rare procs into passive. A penalty system against mobs for taking or dealing damage.
Like I said, thought you had typed "dispell". RC sucks, yes; if we're going to ask for more variety in the warrior skill trees, I'd rather not have the "rotting corpse" take up space where useful skills could be added. So either revamp it or get rid of it. Passive procs is my primary suggestion here, however.

Quote Originally Posted by Crowsfoot View Post
SS is great, but it doesn't taunt.
Agreed, which is why I want I think passive procs would be great to have in our skill trees. For the tanks, taunt proc (chance to taunt after ANY attack). For the damage/PvP enthusiasts, a self +dmg proc. For all types of warriors, an AE -dmg debuff proc.