Quote Originally Posted by Azrael View Post
I don't consider 2h and sword and shield mutually exclusive. I have the zombie shield and all 4 plate armors. I can change from 2h to shield at a moments notice depending on the situation. In pvp i intend to place all unneeded items on my bank alt to make swapping easier mid combat.

The real question is skills. Is restoration needed? will i want to have more than one slash? Is stomp a necessary means of getting people away from me so i can have time to regen, or will all the damage i take come from ranged opponents making it unnecessary? These questions can only be answered with experience, however Rage, Ironblood, Supermega slash and at least 1-3 points in beckon beckon are assured to be used.

Beckon will actually be a hard balance. I certainly have no need of 5 points in beckon. Quite frankly i want to separate the enemy more than i want to group them in one place, unless there is some massive aoe damage plan going on.

Def looking forward to pvp, but disappointed that grouping isn't in the initial release. It will be another month and a half till real team work is able to be used it seems.

it depends really.

Having 5 archers sniping you, or 5 archers drawn close to you, they are still going to be doing the same damage to you.

Unless you're talking about another warrior, in which you'd want to engage them 1 on 1.

As for the issue of archers and bust shot, well, look at burst shots performance against high armour monsters in swamps. Its not a great skill. A archer's focus is dps, and ranged dps at that. So if you are worried about archers, bow bears are even worse.