Quote Originally Posted by Joncheese View Post
Lets be realistic here.... For most part players don't give a hoot about the legendaries, we all want a chance to win the shard and the pets. What i believe many are suggesting is that you should make this event skill based not just who can run as many times in 6 days.

Im a heavy plat spender (though my spend has dropped since dragon update by 2/3) and after 2 or 3 runs i soon became extremely aware that i wasn't going to get anywhere near the top of the lb. This is a problem for STS...... In an hour or so you you have single handedly disappointed 90% (an understatement) of your plat spenders. i wont be spending any more on the event..... Soz. I'll just be saving for the new pet instead

Also you may want to look at the mechanics of how this is run.... there are many bugs that players are abusing.

Please don't do this for the main event, ignore the amount of plat that would need to be spent and think about your players please.
This exactly. Every word of it.