I will summarize everything again:

This tournament starts next week friday, 6/13/14

3vs3 forest fight <

Random teams, I will give you numbers and pair you up somehow, or if you guys want to choose your own team, we can do that I guess. My point was to make this pvp tournament balanced where the pros tie up with avg / below so that we all get a chance to win. <

All classes allowed, no same classes in each team. <

I don't know if I should do 30-31 tournament because there's not many players at that range but reply to this reply for your thoughts.

Equips: Art / exp / sorc / alch (All allowed), no swamp, shiv / brain / iceberg (All allowed), sand stone cave pinks + winter fest items (If the items are too op, they will be disregarded). NO HALLOWEEN WHATSOEVER AND I MEAN NO FB NO PAW NO GRUESOME NO BUTCHER KNIFE AND HALLO INT/STR/DEX sets. AND THE REST OF THE HALLOWEENS THAT I DIDN'T WRITE TOO.

Donations: This will be given to wrathfulmage (Carla). As of now, we have around 750k donations by me slaza and carla + armsman armor from shivie, 485 gold from onestepahead.

Roster: Kylan, girafficorn, wrathfulmage, iiroseregen, juniemage, descriptive, jeff (Not sure), flashdrilltwo with his new mage, dustin with his new bear. MORE TO BE ADDED

PM me in game if you want to participate or just sign yourself up. All the sign ups end at next friday, and teams will be organized, then the tourny will begin.

As of right now, I can form 3 teams, 750k stacked, which means winning team can get up to 250k each for the members. Make sure to read the part of "Entrance fee per person is 40k".