Quote Originally Posted by Ruizhe View Post
If you get a party of rogues, Helena dies kinda fast...

If you're lvl40 or 41, what time will you be online? (prefer time in Central Time)
I'm in gold tier so if you need help, forum pm me
(AL IGN: XRuizhex)
Thanks, Ruizhe,

But I really want to play the game like this: Wife says "I'm taking a shower". I think, "great! time to make a run!" I make run, or two, advance a litle, turn off game, she comes out of shower. I smile at her.

I do not want to play the game like this: Wife says, "I'm taking a shower". I think "great! time to make a run!" I jump into a PUG, get Helena, 15 minutes later I hear the water stop running, Helena still at half hp. Someone quits PUG. Wife comes out of shower. I am glaring at my iPad muttering something not printable here.

I do appreciate that you are willing to help, but I really think this event just wasn't made to fit into my style of play.