I am changing builds frequently. I use demon claw, art,evi, and snipers helm.
I have come up with a few builds but they are meant for diffrent playstyles/person im playing against. The builds i use currently are:
6 rage 3stomp 6hs 4cb 1sms 1crip 3beckon

6rage 1stomp 2sms 6cb 2beckon 6hs 1crip

I would like a some sort of debuff build that can still kill a mage without a fbow
(Even if they kite)
Some flaws in build 1 is the cb. If me and the other person play exacty
Alike but he has higher cb he should win, but some pros in the build is i can kill a kiting mage with the right combo (keep in mind im using squishy gear so cb is needed)

Some pros in build 2 is the 1 stomp so i can easily crip and cb and go ape on them while i can tank because of my cb (the 2sms also makes it easier to kill mages). Some cons is the 2 beckon cant pull anything hard enough :/. (The stomp does help with some of my combos though so i dont want to get rid of it)