Are you guys tired of being farmed and teamed by people 10 lvls higher then you? Well, its cuz 10 lvls apart is HUGE, 10 extra skill points, 50 extra stats, and alot better gear. This is a possible solution to ending this madness of higher lvls farming and teaming lower lvls. Ok, the idea is to decrease the amount of dmg the higher lvl does to the lower lvl, and increase the dmg the lower lvl does to the higher lvl. Ex: a lvl 66 fights a lvl 56, when contact is made through attacks, when the higher lvl(66) does dmg to the lower lvl, but reduced by ___%, and when the lower lvl attacks the higher lvl, their dmg is increased by ___%. I say about a 1-3% increase and reduction of dmg per lvl. So when a 66 fights a 56, the 66 does 10-30% less dmg to the 56 and the 56 does 20-40% more dmg to the 66. IF this is possible, I think Stg should do it to prevent higher lvls teaming and farming lvls lower then them. But, Im not asking for this right now, since we are just getting a new cap, but sometime in the future if a pvp balance comes up, hopefully something like this will happen to fix the ten level gap.