Yo guys and girls I'm here to request help from all of you because I've been thinking for a couple of days now of making a rogue twink so I can have fun in pvp the only problem is that I have never made a twink before so don't know much about it and not a pro about skill and gear needed for such a character.

Ps: any help given is appreciated useful or not so I thank you very much in advance

My first question is what level is the best to have loads of fun in pvp, I was thinking lvl 20 or less
If you could post your opinion that would be great.

My second question is what is THE best gear that money can afford for that level (I do not have a price in so don't ask yourself if I have enough gold ect..)

My third and last question is the best pet for a rogue once again no price range.

I thank you for any advice given and I wish you and loads of fun playing arcane . Cya !