Quote Originally Posted by Hectororius View Post
If I recall correctly you have mentioned in the past that you will no longer open crates. As such, I am sure that crate poppers everywhere would appreciate it if you refrained from making suggestions regarding matters that do not affect you.

This post should also be in the suggestions and feedback thread where it belongs.
Oh, but what is in crates does affect me and it affects everyone who plays this game. If you want the items in crates not to affect me, then let STS make those items non-tradable. As long as the items that are looted from locked crates are sold by the players that loot them, and as long as the gold you loot from locked crates is spent in the AL economy, then it affects everyone.

Also, if you have a better suggestion, then make the suggestion. Please post your solution to fixing the problems with the AL economy, and please make these suggestions that can be implemented by STS. Keep in mind that STS does not control the companies who give the free plat offers, so they cannot make changes to those offers. So your suggestions must come from elsewhere.