Okay, first off, I tried buying Plat from my Andrioid phone. I entered my credit card info and all that, pressed enter. After enter, it took me back to the previous page, blank, with no additional message saying "Purchase complete" or and error message. I waited for about 30-45 minutes and I still dont have my plat. I decided I would try again from my PC, but it won't let me enter my credit card info straight in like my phone did, its asking for PayPal, GoogleCheckout, and Amazon. Wtf? I don't have any of those accounts and don't want one. I took a look at the form for the GoogleCheckout and its asking for shipping infomation!
I'm very confused, any help would be greatly appreciated.
PS I did a search on the forum and fags, but all I was getting was why I cant level past level 13, where do I get plat, and all that which I already know about.