Quote Originally Posted by Firepants View Post
Les, that's an epic statement. Made me lulz....

Off topic: les we need to play sometime, been too long.
Eh, I'm bored of the game right now. Now interest in playing. So if I go on we're just gonna stand in place and chat -- might as well just use skype

As for Last350, yes I live in NYC as well, and have met my share of rude/obnoxious people. But you don't counteract that by being rude yourself. If you can't say "thanks" to a cashier without hearing his life story, then maybe you should check if it says "Therapist" on your shirt. Most people can handle being thanked without spilling their guts.

And I wasn't bashing. I merely think that someone who can't be bothered to thank another for "doing their job" should just stay away from people and order online.