To start this thread off I want to say that daily blessings are possibly the best idea sts has ever had! They help everyone out and I appreciate it a lot what I am here to discuss is the 5th day blessing. I'm going to be honest. No one wants antennas. No one wants those emoji shields, yeah they were cool when they first came out, when everyone was trying to collect them all. We'll I've gotten about 2 trillion of each....they just fill up my inventory and I! forced to sell them. The thought of liquidating vanities is madness to me! Haha well there are two solutions to this.

1. STS makes brand new items to give out on the fifth day. I don't mean like recreations of items(like ancient caverns) I mean brand new never before seen items

2. You just make the fifth day combo blessing. 1.25, 1.5, or 3x...or to make it more broad you can even implement a 2x or even a 2.5x

Anyways these are just ideas.