What alhunt said is spot on, if mages had a stun immunity perk, it's back to even ground. Everyone then has the opportunity to have stun immunity and the 'skillfullness' of each player is timing exactly when to use this immunity. Atm yeah sure mages have their 2 seconds of invulnerability, but every rogue that's worth anything knows to stun and then that two sec is toast. After that mages shield just stops us from being insta killed by anything, it's not op it's just making up for the armor we lose over either other class.

That being said, rogues haven't had to change their play method for numerous seasons, the standard aimed nox pierce packs did everything they needed to. Now that they have adapted we mages can't expect the same fire light heal shield to work all the time, so start being proactive and work on finding a solution to squishing rogues once again.