Thanks Null. Appreciate all the not-so-fun work you do. I know another cry post is the last thing you want to read, but here it is:

Maul users had an unfair advantage in PvP that is gone, but what about Elon Bulwark users? It's hard to see how PvP is balanced when a bulwark warrior can do equal or more mass damage than a elon gun mage. A mage with curse skill will almost never take out a warrior [pause for laugh], but now warriors can kill-via-curse mages who were already too easy to kill before the bulwark? Excuse me, wuuut?

Since bulwark has curse can you also add vengeful blood to elon gun and rally cry to elon bow at 100% proc rate? Yes, that's a facetious question, but spend 2 minutes as mage or rogue in PvP versus a Bulwark warrior and you'll understand that it feels like STS is forgetting something very important in when retooling items like this.