My skillz
7 Charge!
7 Rhino Might
9 Restore
6 Redemption
6 Summon
6 Guardian
6 Vital Force
9 Tempest
6 Stoneskin
My stat points
Base Str: 200
Base Int: 50
Base Dex: 100
Total Str: 291
Total Int: 50
Total Dex: 100
Critical %: 15
Dodge %: 31
Hp Regen: 30
Mp Regen: 19

My Armor and Weapon
L65 Orlok's Chiperotera Helm
Lvl 60 Glyph Mace of Big Top
L65 Orlok's Chiperotera Plate
Lvl 65 Regal Shield of the Dead

When a target attacks or u attack him, activate Stoneskin and Vital Force. As they reach the end of cooldown, reactivate.

Rhino vs Bear

Bears have lots of armor, so it will take a while to kill him. As he closes in, use Charge+Redemption. This will activate the Juiced combo. It deals massive damage and half of the pain turns into Hp and heals you. Pne of the bear's favorite combo is Beckon+Stomp. As you get pulled in, use Rhino Might. It should stun him, canceling Stomp. If ypu do get flung, use Restore or Guardian to remove the stun or recover lost HP.
use charge to get back. Use Redemption if you can. As your HP gets low, stun or knockback the bear by using Rhino Might or Tempest. You will get a very short break. Use this opportunity to use Restore, Guardian, reactivate buffs, or counterattack. Mp running low? Run away for a few seconds. When your Mp bar is satisified, use Charge to catch up. Use Tempest as much as possible to maximixe the rhino's tiny Damage output.

Rhino vs Birds

Birds are quick killers, but weak defenders. Since they use ranged weapons, Charge or Juiced Combo will be IMPORTANT for killing the birds. Like every start, use the Charge+Redemption combo. Ironskin can help you withstand the bird's attacks. Use Restore frequently. Use Rhino Might or Tempest to give a few seconds of free damage. Ta-da! Bird for tonight's dinner!

Rhino vs Mage

The mage is probably your greatest enemy. Equipped with spells, healing, buffs, shield and rooting,
This will definitely take luck and skill to beat. I rarely managed to defeat a skilled mage. As usual, juice the mage. It will cast Mana Shield, so spam your damaging skills. The mage will spam heal, so it makes things even harder. Stun it as much as possible. The mage's damage is pretty good, so Restore and Stoneskin are great. Icestorm and Ice Shot(I think) roots you, so use Guardian or Restore to melt it. My way kinda seems clumsy.

Since I hardly met a fox or rhino, I cannot give tips. If you have noticed a flaw, feel free to post.