We had a thread a couple of weeks ago where people were making suggestions, and just yesterday I read through all the suggestions, and there was one suggestion that was mentioned that I think would work.

It occurs to me that both Warriors and Rogues have skills that give them stun immunity. Sorcerers have no such skill. Even when our shield is up and during the 2 seconds of invulnerability, we can still be stunned.

So here is my solution:

Get rid of the "Displacement Wave" upgrade to Arcane Shield. Nobody uses this anyway. Instead, add a new upgrade which gives stun immunity when the skill is charged.

The only question is how long the stun immunity should be? I think it would be too OP if it were the entire 15 seconds that the shield is up. How long does the stun immunity for warriors and rogues last? Maybe it should be 5 seconds? Maybe 7 seconds? I guess STS would have to do some testing to determine a good time length.

This would also not have much of an effect on PvE, so this skill upgrade could work for both PvP and PvE.

Any thoughts?