I have really enjoyed the game so far and I think it has been a major break through for portable devices. If I was to express my greatest hope for this game it would be to deepen its content and structure. I would really like to see characters expanding their skills into specific nitches like wood working, necromancy, rangering, training, cloth working, mining, gem making, etc etc. Well aware here that there are other games out there that do this and while I am sure no one is trying to remake these games some of these ideas really work and bring extended play and fun into the game.

Aside from character development the maps seem very streamline. Like start here at A and get to Z. It would be super cool to have things opened up, more random wilderness. Also maybe include some natural neutral creatures that live in the world... like oh there's a stray wolf or something don't hit it or it might attack you...

Again my point isn't to attack or critique something that is good only to make suggestions on how it might be better and how we might get deeper down the rabbit hole.