If you are google+ user and late to enter test server, dont enter at all.
You will find no end game gears to buy for your level 41 toon which have 2k plats and nothing at all.

A decent pink gear which cost 100k will cost there like 5-10m golds if not more than that. Or maybe not in the auction at all.
I find it quite depressing how people who can enter test server with their main toon and inventory assets, buy whole stuffs from auc and stash them to merch.
I saw some people selling grims 50m per egg in test server.
I don't get it. Give people chance to have decent gears and test properly.
My guest profile is been deleted for the patch issue and i had to make new toon in test server and found no gears in auction and some people were shouting selling mythic bows expeditions bows .