I dunno what's wrong but if I am running hauntlet and some tombs which have lotsssssss of mobs, it suddenly disconnect me and got a terrible ping that I can't even imagine from green ping to 120k+++ ping!

I also tried in town doing all of us there skills and we all got disconnected. What's wrong with this game now? What kind of sorcery is this? :O

Guys, you all gotta need to fix this or you'll lose customers. This is not the game we expecting from buying $ 89.99 platinums right? You guys can check my account here cause Im seriously not happy anymore in the service you doing. You will fix something then end up ruin something in the game. Bugs everywhere. This is something that you guys need to fix. Im losing patience .. Nearly ..

Just saying ....

Hope someone from sts gonna hear this. It aint fun anymore.

Thank you.