If anyone here has played other similar MMORPG's then they know what I am talking about here. I would like the administrators to introduce guild fights into the game. This is keep the game interesting for players who have levelled up to 41 lvl and give a new thing to look upon in the game. You can keep a seperate map with castles to conquer and defend. By this I mean guilds will be fighting each other to conquer castles and then after conquering the castle to defend it for a certain period of time ingame.
The sequence is like this for Example:
2 guilds rushing to the throne room in a castle >> In the throne room there can be a competition between them to break a Relic, Stone, etc. and whoever does that first gets to own the castle.
(P.S: These castle maps should me PVP types, so by fighting I mean really fighting with each other)
This will increase the excitement in the game, and also it will add to the value of having guilds in the game.
To make it further exciting you can keep some rewards for the guilds successful to hold the castles during that time.