Honestly pvp was better before that pet exist.

This pet killed pvp for many reason :

First his stun got 100% chance stun it's really long like 5-6 sec he also got passive hight chance to freeze for same time 5-6 sec this mean its possible to stun 2 time in arrow it do 12 sec the most bad is his fast cooldown only 23 sec and it can stack if we stun after with samael or stun lock etc.

Cause this pet pvp is boring its all about stun u can get stun like 20 sec without can do nothing cause its stack with other stun that mean really now pvp not anymore about skill its just about that op pet..

Just a question for spacetime studios how a pet more easy and more cheap to got than all arcane pet can be so op like that.

Honestly all people who worked for save money or open lock for Samael and singe ( the most used by player atm) all this people lose many money cause samael worth 30m and singe 15m

Oh let's not forget shady and surge or nekro only few people got that pet cause its hard and really expensive pet .Many people worked hard for got shady and surge in event and nekro is also good pet but its not easy to got it.

Even shady and surge the most famous pet are not op like freeze it's true about he do hight damage but we cant complain
People who got this pet deserve it cause worked hard for it its expensive and need a lot time to spend in event for be in leaderboard.

All i want say is it's not fair make pet like breeze cheap and easy to got with 125 planar fragment.Breeze should be a PvE pet for his price and his ability cause honestly in pvp he really affect all of us cooldown too fast ,stun too long just so op but its too op for pvp breeze killed the base of pvp , Before was about strategy,Teamwork,tactic now its about breeze,freeze stun and die

I hope breeze will be nerfed cause its really unfair for all this people who spent time for samael singe shady and surge nekro glacian etc and i dont even talk of people who still play legendary pet.

I hope spacetime studios will fixe it cause its really boring playing pvp now..